Seven Insights for Evaluating a Mission Statement

culture mission vision Aug 23, 2022
One of the most significant opportunities for a church during a challenging season is to reevaluate its mission statement.   Even a small tweak can bring about great peaks. Many outward-focused churches have used this time to ask some great questions about their organization and the ministry opportunities that God would have for them in the future.  This is an enjoyable time to ask the question, “Is our mission statement still relevant?”  

Every church has a mission statement, but is it working? Now is the time to look at your organization and ask some challenging questions about the future.  Here are seven things to consider when evaluating your mission statement.

1. It must be clear.
Does the mission statement have a portable and pithy message that is understandable to everyone in the church?  Mission statements must have determination behind them, not just direction.

2. It must be enthusiastic.
Can others read your mission statement and become characterized by a deep-seated desire to jump in and be a part of it?  If not, rethink it.

3. It must be energetic.
People love to be moved when they read something.  Reading your mission statement should cause someone to dream of the possibilities behind it and what it would look and feel like if they are a part of it.  It should create enthusiasm and initiative when it is read.

4. It must be believable.
Another goal of a mission statement is to cause the reader to believe in the mission's achievement and that they can be a part of it.  It should be invitational and give them a sense of belonging.

5. It must be outward-focused.
People love to see lives changed. If your mission statement is inclusive and only points people back to your church, it is time for a change. Make sure that you mission statement gives the expectation that it is about reaching others and helping and guiding them to something better.

6. It must be urgent.
Our culture lives off urgency. People love things that have a time attached to them. They value a time factor in the achievement of a goal.  Set an expectation of what the urgency is associated with your mission statement.

7. It must be motivational.
Does your mission statement move the reader to be dedicated and committed to being a part of what you are doing?

In this season take some time and walk through your mission statement and grade yourself under each of the seven insights to consider.  Rank each one in terms of how your current mission statement ranks on a scale from 1-5 (strongly disagree to strongly agree).  Have others join you in the process.  Sometimes others’ perspectives shed new light on things that we may overlook.  Our perception of our mission statement may not be how others perceive it.

A focused and relevant mission statement can help guide your church into a new season of purpose and vitality.  Take a few minutes to evaluate yours to see if it is one that will carry you into the next season of your ministry.

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