4 Actions To Making Smart Choices in Church Revitalization

Ever notice how different people spend their money and time? Rich people buy more time for what matters. Poor people often spend money on things they don't need. People who want to grow invest in learning. And those who lack focus? They spend on things that distract them. Let's talk about how this applies to leading a church and staying focused on what really counts.
Why Focus Matters for Church Leaders
Being a church leader today isn't easy. Think about it - your phone is always buzzing, your inbox is overflowing, and social media never stops. It's like trying to have a quiet conversation in a noisy room! The Bible talks about this kind of challenge. In 2 Timothy 2:4, Paul says it's like being a soldier - you can't get caught up in things that don't matter when you're on an important mission.
Four Easy Steps to Get Back on Track
- Make Time for What Matters
Think of your day like a backpack. If you fill it with rocks (the important stuff) first, you'll still have room for the pebbles and sand (the less important stuff). Start your day like Jesus did - find a quiet place to pray and think. Mark 1:35 tells us Jesus got up early to pray alone. This quiet time helps you hear God's plan for your church more clearly.
- Keep Learning
Just like you wouldn't trust a doctor who stopped learning medicine years ago, a church leader must also keep growing. The Bible says in 2 Timothy 2:15 that we should do our best to learn God's truth well. Read good books, attend helpful conferences, and find mentors to teach you new things.
- Build a Strong Team
Remember when Moses was trying to do everything himself? His father-in-law told him, "That's not smart!" You need good people around you. The Bible says in Ecclesiastes 4:9 that two people working together get more done than one person alone. Find people who can help you lead - you don't have to do it all yourself.
- Take Care of Yourself
Do you know how your phone needs charging? Well, you do, too! Jesus said in Matthew 11:28 that when we're tired, we should come to Him for rest. This means taking breaks, having real days off, and finding ways to recharge that work for you.
Why This All Matters
Making a church stronger isn't just about having cool programs or a better website. It's about having a healthy spiritual life that spreads to others. Isaiah 40:31 promises that when we trust in God, He gives us new strength - like an eagle soaring high above problems.
To all church leaders reading this: What you do matters. Yes, strengthening a church is hard work, but God is with you. He promised in Philippians 1:6 that He'll help finish the good work He started in you and your church.
Think of leading a church like tending a garden. You need the right tools, good seeds (ideas), and patience. But most importantly, you need to show up and do the work while trusting God to make things grow.
Jesus promised that He would build His church (Matthew 16:18). Your job is to be His faithful helper. Amazing things can happen when you focus on what matters and ignore the distractions.
Remember: God picked you for this roll and will help you finish well. Keep your eyes on what matters most, and watch how God works through you to strengthen your church!
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