$297.00 USD

Every month

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

Platinum Coaching Calls (6-Months)

Church Vitality Network Phone Coaching Proposal

Phone Coaching Sessions

  • Six (6) scheduled phone coaching sessions
  • Rate: $257.00 per session each month
  • Total for phone sessions: $1,542.00 (not including PayPal, Stripe, taking their % out)
  • Duration: 75 minutes per session
  • Sessions are to be scheduled at mutually agreeable times via video.

Process and Expectations

  1. Pastor will provide the agenda and discussion topics before each session
  2. Notes and action items will be documented and shared after each session
  3. Follow-up resources will be provided as needed

Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy

  • 48-hour notice required for cancellation or rescheduling
  • One free rescheduling per package

 Payment Terms

  • Full payment for phone coaching package ($1,542.97) due upon signing
  • Site visits charges to be invoiced separately
  • Payment accepted via check or electronic transfer